CastleMiner Z
3.6Overall Score
Reader Rating: (1 Vote)
Play on PC

If you own an Xbox 360, you should be familiar with this game because it sold millions to the users. The good news is that it is available on the PC now. Digital DNA Games are the developers who have released it on November 9th, 2011. It is an action and adventure game. It costs only $ 4 USD and requires a running internet connection. You cannot play it on Mac computers.

Game Play

The game is all about shooting your enemies. It is similar to other action FPS games where you can view from the person holding the gun. It is not like a regular fighting game because it contains horror! You have zombies to kill. If you think you are going to get scared, and cannot play alone, then you can bring a friend since it has the option of multiplayer. You have innovative weapons here that you can choose to get rid of the zombies. You can pick a stone pick ax to break coal or rocks. You have other useful tools besides weapons like a compass to tell you the direction. Once you find an enemy, you have to set the target on them and shoot them with a gun. You can note the distance on the top-right corner. The game has dragons that you have to kill before it attacks you with fire.


The game looks similar to Minecraft because it is all about blocks. The good thing is that the manufacturers update it regularly, so you are not going to face any problems. Here you have a lot of places to walk around with friends. There is no limit, and you can wander around with your team as much as you want. Your enemy is the dragons and the zombies. They are after your blood. There are several modes to choose from they are: endurance, survival, creative and dragon. You can turn off enemies and continue playing and get them back again after your work is complete.

Important Features

• The graphics are similar to Minecraft because of the blocks. It is a new style people prefers over the old clear pictures

• You can play both single player or with others with the help of multiplayer option, and there are several modes to choose from

• The game does not cost much, and the price is fair compared to the quality

• The game comes with a lot of facilities that make it fun to kill enemies, and they are available to all the users

• You can protect yourself using the vast collection of items, weapons, and materials present in CastleMinerZ


If you are playing it on Xbox 360, you will spend hours without any disturbances. People playing on the PC had complained and most of them were that Steam stopped working. There is no solution for this. I cannot guarantee you 100% that you will not find bugs or lag in the PC. Sometimes, you can end up losing the diamonds.

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